These delicious & healthy Choc Nut Melts add excitement and energy to kiddies lunch boxes!!
Makes 36 melts
190ml soft brown sugar
30ml cocoa powder, sifted
60ml full cream milk
15ml oil, peanut, macadamia or coconut
60ml peanut butter
310ml rolled oats
Line a baking sheet with waxed paper.
Mix the sugar and sifted cocoa together in a medium sized saucepan.
Stir in the milk and oil. Bring the mixture to the boil over a moderate to low heat, stirring occasionally.
Simmer for about 2 minutes then remove from the heat.
Stir in the peanut butter and the oats.
Using 2 teaspoons drop 36 teaspoonfuls of the mixture onto the waxed paper or into mini cupcake papers. Each melt is approx 1 teaspoon in size.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Two of these delicious melts is one portion.
These melts are a better option for in-between snacks and lunch boxes than store bought cookies or chocolates as the GL per portion is only 7 meaning it has very little impact on kiddies blood sugar levels but gives them on-going energy.
Wrap 2 melts in a piece of wax wrap for lunch boxes – they last beautifully.
You may replace the peanut butter with any nut butter.
Use gluten free oats should you wish to avoid gluten.
Any other milk may be used should you wish to avoid dairy.